The Tangreen Report
I don’t have the great poetic writing experience that my dad does. I hope this letter is okay for everyone.
We started out this January as happy as could be. Kayl was 3 months and I was getting into the motherhood mode.
We had just had our first litter of kittens as well and Kayl just loved them.
Todd was enjoying his job as he was been moving up in the company.
As the months moved on we came into March.
Todd and I both share a birthday in March, so we took Kayl to Wingers and enjoyed a nice meal as a family.
As we came into May we were settling into your new apartment when my Dad e-mailed me and said that my Grandparents were coming home from their mission. We took a trip up to the airport to see them home.
Kayl was also so excited to see his cousin Rachel.
As we rolled into July we realized that we needed to find a new apartment fast. I looked and I looked for weeks and nothing was working. Then on the last day of my search I found the perfect place and we were able to move in that day.
By this time we were already on our second litter of kittens.
August and September came and went without many problems or fun.
We came to October and I wanted to travel back in time. My baby was growing up and I wanted it to stop. To no avail, Kayl turned one and I love every minute of him.
We took Kayl trick-or-treating for the first time that month. We also took him to the zoo for his birthday
In November, Todd and I juggled two Thanksgivings. We went to his Grandparents as well as my Parents. We ate until we couldn’t eat anymore.
We have had our share of misfortune and sadness. I found out about my high allergy to onions, one of our kittens from our second litter passed away, and we had to take Kayl to the hospital once for a really high fever.
Our life isn’t perfect but we make the best of it.
Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
If you would like a full copy of the letter with all the pictures in it. Just leave me your e-mail and I'll send on too you.