Thursday, July 16, 2009

I feel like an adult!!

Ever since I've been married I have never lived in the same place for more than a year. I wanted to but either I hated the apartment or the rent got to expensive. Well, I just signed the lease for the place we are at now for another year. We moved here in April but we were finishing someone elses lease. With the rent being only 650 we were excited that it had a lot of amenities that our other ones have not. For example we have a dishwasher, washer/dryer hook-ups, and we only pay for power and gas. The major downfall was giving up our cats. I still cry about that.
Since we signed the lease for another year I decided it was time to make this apartment my home. I'm now saving money each week to do a little redecorating. Last week after we rearranged the bedroom I went to K-Mart and got a spectacular deal on new bedding for our big bed. I was super proud of myself.
I'm now saving up to redo the bathroom. I found the cutest Spongebob Bathroom decor and I decided that I'm going to do the bathroom that way. Mostly for Kayl cause he loves Spongebob.
I'm also in the process of searching for a new couch, I found a fantastic one at R.C. Willey. It is on sale and everything but I don't think I'll have enough saved up in time to buy it so I'm searching Craigslist and KSL as well. This is the one I saw at R.C. Willey and fell in love with. Wish I had the 750 to get it!!

I'm also on the prowl for a new vacuum cause mine is dying a very slow death. K-Mart had some awesome deals so I may go back for the one there.
I've discovered that K-Mart has awesome deals on everything.
If anyone has a couch that they don't need anymore let me know cause we need a newer one then the one we have. My mother-in law gave us the one we use now and it was really meant for a formal living room so it is not very comfy nor is it stain resistant. Kayl loves to smear crap all over it. I'm also looking for a decent shoe rack and a DVD cabinet that I can close and lock. Kayl's new favorite activity is grabbing a DVD and opening it to play with the disc. I'm slowly going to make this apartment mine.
Todd and I went to Wal-Mart and bought a bunch of picture frames and printed out a ton of pictures. Now our house is a museum of pictures from our life so far. I love walking in the house and seeing pictures of us, Kayl, and our cats. I want to get some more pictures up so if anyone has pictures of you with either me, Todd, or Kayl please send them to me and I'll frame them and put them up on the wall.

Thank you everyone for reading my blog!!


Nancy said...

That will be nice to not have to move for a while. :)

Marika said...


That's EXACTLY my couch, I think! I got ours at the R.C. Willey Outlet in Provo for $300!

Go check! I hope they have one for you!

Myrna said...

There is a Sears outlet in Orem that sells appliances and vacuums. I think their vacuum deals beat out K-Mart--you might want to check there. I agree with Marika about checking at the RC Willey outlet in Provo, too!

Nikki said...

Never, Ever get a light color! I had a cream color couch when Holden was little and oh my gosh it was so hard to keep clean! They are so pretty if you never sit on them hahaha! Boys ruin everything!!!

Brooke said...

Katharine, I found you! Thanks for giving me your blog site. It was great seeing you last night and getting caught up fairly quickly. I will work on getting into Iggy's more often to come and visit. You are such a fun, cute girl! Sorry to hear about kayl getting sick. The joys of being a parent!! He is a cutie!